In-game DOF should be off though, otherwise you get weirdness. Use ingame bloom to your liking, there won't be any glitches but it may get too "bloomy". Hey, thanks for the response, but you didn't answer my first question: does in-game bloom work together with ReShade's bloom, or do we need to turn it off? I've found that in some situations the sky looks almost white, might have to do with the combined force of the 2 bloom effects :cool: Whether there is a link to what I did or not, I don't know, but my game loaded and I still have the other files in there except I am not using the dxgi.dll from the Reshadetool. I even overwrote dxgi.dll with the one from sweetfx. but did not remove the constantine files. I then replaced all the sweetfx files, All of them. Here is the difference, I replaced the dxgi.dll with the constantine one and got the crash. I loaded the game again and I got a crash. I put the constantine files in my directory. I was impressed! Then I thought, "hangon, doesn't this tool need sweetfx to work?", without jumping on here and posting like a bull in a china shop and blurting out my question. Then after seeing this and trying the first time, I gave up using it, went and found sweet fx and put that in. I actually did a little experiment, at first I didn't have sweetfx in my directory at all. Just for the record, I works perfectly on my side and I have : i7 860 (no oc), 8gb ddr3, hd 5850 in crossfire. Well, you both have AMD 78XX gpu's, so maybe it has something to do with that.